Monday, 7 March 2016

Strengths and Weaknesses of writing Essay -Sarah Luxton

I often struggle when beginning to write an essay. I find it hard to take a topic and create a good strong thesis from it that then I can expand off of.  I also have difficulties when ordering certain sentences so that they sound good when when read aloud. Choosing the right words for a sentence can sometimes be challenging as I want to sound educated with big words without sounding too wordy. Also expanding on an idea sometimes gets me stuck. I find myself often rereading what have have written multiple times to see if I can expand on it and I sometimes I have no luck so I end up being more brief than I should be.
I think another one of my strengths and weaknesses is Introductions and Conclusions. I sometimes struggle to piece a good one together but one I have spent a good amount of time on them they often sound really good and create a good opening for my essay. I enjoy writing the hook but have trouble creating a hook that is interesting and that will capture the audiences attention right away. As well  making sure the hook is short and concise so that it instantly draws the reader in, instead of dragging it out for a couple of sentences.
My other strengths when writing an essay is that I am good at collecting and brain storming information. I am also good at writing the body of the essay especially when I have lots of information on the topic. I always think that my essays are better when I enjoy what I am writing about and have lots of knowledge about the topic. I also am good at editing and proof reading my essay so that it is the best that it can be.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sara,

    I like how you talked about trying to create a good hook for an essay, I find that it is easy to forget to add one. I agree creating a thesis statement can be difficult,I find it one of the hardest parts of the essay. Its always good to revise your thesis one or twice on your, and then get someone else to look at it to see if that have anything to add or change. You stated that you have trouble expanding on ideas. Have you ever thought about writing a few main ideas down on a paper and then trying to expand off them- this could help give you the base of your essay.
